Unknown Hokkien Mee Stall @ Old Klang Road
Passby this stall quite long time ago and finally got a chance to try it.
It is located at old klang road. (I didnt manage to spot it name = =)
Nearby Ah Wang Bak Kut Teh.
If you're from Old Klang Road towards Midvalley,
U'll see this Hokkien Mee Stall before Ah Wang Bak Kut Teh
This attracted me to try :)

福建米粉面 Hokkien Meehon Mee
I dono since when people prefer hokkien mee to cooked with charcoal but this "gas"-cooked hokkien mee tasted better. Well, just my own opinion. LOL

广府鸳鸯 Cantonese YinYong
Not bad =)

炒饭 Fried Rice
Got腊肠 !

Passby this stall quite long time ago and finally got a chance to try it.
It is located at old klang road. (I didnt manage to spot it name = =)
Nearby Ah Wang Bak Kut Teh.
If you're from Old Klang Road towards Midvalley,
U'll see this Hokkien Mee Stall before Ah Wang Bak Kut Teh
This attracted me to try :)
福建米粉面 Hokkien Meehon Mee
I dono since when people prefer hokkien mee to cooked with charcoal but this "gas"-cooked hokkien mee tasted better. Well, just my own opinion. LOL
广府鸳鸯 Cantonese YinYong
Not bad =)
炒饭 Fried Rice
Got腊肠 !